Dec 18, 2016

Amy McCabe, NGPF Fellow, recommends 2 game platforms -- Kahoot and Quizizz

It’s a special occasion here on the NGPF blog — a guest piece by NGPF Fellow Amy McCabe! We know that hearing from us is one thing, but hearing from a fellow teacher, who’s in the classroom day in and day out, is a whole different ballgame! Amy’s an economics and personal finance educator at Culpepper County High School in VA, and sends along this review…
My kids love to play games, and we are all big, big fans of Kahoot! Kahoot! is a “free game-based learning platform that makes it fun to learn – any subject, in any language, on any device, for all ages!” You can quickly create a game from a series of multiple choice questions. Players log into with a code to play your game, then they will compete against each other from their own devices (phones, laptops, computers, etc.) to a shared screen to get the correct answers in the shortest time. This is one of our favorite ways to review information and can be used in a variety of ways. Check it out at

My only complaint about Kahoot is that you’re limited to a short number of characters when creating the questions, and I tend to be long-winded. So, if you’re like me and your questions are on the long side, another great game option is Quizizz. Quizizz also allows you to create multiple choice questions, but it’s different in that it can be played live like Kahoot, or can be assigned as “homework” for kids to complete on their own. When you create the questions in Quizizz, you designate the maximum amount of time students will have to answer each question and kids can play together or on their own. Either way, at the end, students will see what questions they missed with the correct answers.

Both games provide great feedback for teachers. You can easily see what questions were missed by how many students, and re-teach those topics. I like to use these games as review tools, but I’ve also used them formatively, to see what kids already know. Both options allow you to search for “public” games that you can re-use and edit for use with your students. The games are both a lot of fun and the kids really do enjoy them.

Here’s a Quizizz quiz that I created a few days ago based on NGPF’s Credit Basics Comprehension Questions. I haven’t had a chance to use it with students yet, but I will do so in the near future, and I’ll definitely be making more. Enjoy!
Quizizz, made by Amy, for you to use, based on the NGPF Credit Basics Comprehension Questions:

Thanks, Amy, for an awesome blog and recommendation of two different classroom tools.

By the way, the Quizizz homepage has a looping video at the top that is now in my (Jessica’s) top 5 favorite things on the internet. Check out those students’ excitement!

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Jessica Endlich

When I started working at Next Gen Personal Finance, it's as though my undergraduate degree in finance, followed by ten years as an educator in an NYC public high school, suddenly all made sense.

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