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I’m blogging for #NationalReadingMonth. While reading is typically an inexpensive pastime, shopping is not, yet many out there would say it’s one of their favorite hobbies. This article helps us realize why…
5 Reasons We Impulse Buy
What is it? This is a Psychology Today review of why people buy things they don’t need in too large of quantities. As the title implies, they offer five concrete reasons, from a psychological perspective, for why we just can’t resist shopping.
Why is it cool? I love the diversity of resources we use in our personal finance curriculum, and this is a great example. It’s not strictly about finance, but it fits well in a lesson on saving or on budgeting. We’ve got a lesson on buying food, which teaches students how to calculate unit price and use it for comparison, and this article would pair well with that, too.
Questions I Might Ask:
Where is it in the NGPF collection? This is resource 8 in “Saving Basics” in our Savings unit.
NGPF uses The Economist in Checking Alternatives
Time To Have That Conversation About Who Is Going to Pay For College…
Question of the Day: Where do most young adults say they learn about personal finance?
Question of the Day: How long does the average user spend on TikTok a day?
Question of the Day: What are the top five gifts consumers plan to give for Valentine's Day?
When I started working at Next Gen Personal Finance, it's as though my undergraduate degree in finance, followed by ten years as an educator in an NYC public high school, suddenly all made sense.
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Question of the Day: How much did Taylor Swift's Eras Tour gross during its two-year, 149 concert run?
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