Apr 26, 2018

What are people searching for on the NGPF website?

I always find it interesting to see what people are looking for on our website. Analyzing this data allows us to see what topics are top of mind for teacher and can sometimes lead to us creating a lesson or activity on a given topic.

So here are the top 10 search terms typed in by visitors to our website since we upgraded the search capability on our site in March:

PAYBACK as #1 search term makes sense as the PAYBACK Challenge essay contest (winners announced later this month) ran for a portion of this month. With Tax Day upon us this week (yes procrastinators did get an extra day to file after IRS website snafus), teachers were clearly looking for materials that would bring this subject to life for students (here are some tax videos that I posted on the blog recently). The Uber game has become one of the most popular in our Interactive Library. Budgeting is the most popular of our units and probably the most common topic covered by personal finance educators no matter how much time they have to teach it. Insurance and investing are both categories that teachers struggle with finding appropriate resources. Regarding Answer Keys, be sure that you sign up for an NGPF Teacher Account (upper right hand side of home page) and we will verify your teacher status and you'll then be able to access them on the Unit Pages at NGPF.org! 

One way to circumvent the search process is to use our Unit Resource pages. So instead of searching for taxes, budgeting, insurance, investing or checking, just go to their respective Unit resource page where you can find all that we have on that topic. 

About the Author

Tim Ranzetta

Tim's saving habits started at seven when a neighbor with a broken hip gave him a dog walking job. Her recovery, which took almost a year, resulted in Tim getting to know the bank tellers quite well (and accumulating a savings account balance of over $300!). His recent entrepreneurial adventures have included driving a shredding truck, analyzing executive compensation packages for Fortune 500 companies and helping families make better college financing decisions. After volunteering in 2010 to create and teach a personal finance program at Eastside College Prep in East Palo Alto, Tim saw firsthand the impact of an engaging and activity-based curriculum, which inspired him to start a new non-profit, Next Gen Personal Finance.

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