Financially Inclined from Marketplace with Professor Jasmine McNealy

Event Details

Date Icon Date

Sat, Aug 24, 2024

Time Icon Time

10:30 am PST

Cost Icon Cost


Credit Icon Credit

1 NGPF Academy Credit

About This Virtual PD: 

Learn about dark patterns that get money out of us, even when we don’t plan on spending! Guest speaker Jasmine McNealy JD, PhD, is an attorney, public interest technologist, and social scientist who studies emerging media, technology, and policy with an emphasis on privacy, surveillance and data governance. McNealy was a featured guest for the soon-to-be-released Season 3 of Financially Inclined from Marketplace, a podcast about money designed for teenage learners.


Virtual PD is a live Zoom, facilitated by NGPF, with teachers from around the country focused on collaboration and growth. Each session is fully interactive and designed boost your content knowledge or build your teaching repertoire.